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Home / Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita & Indian Penal Code

Criminal Law

Theft Under BNS



  • The law of theft represents one of the most fundamental protections of property rights in any legal system, evolving from ancient prohibitions against stealing to a nuanced framework that addresses various forms of unlawful appropriation in modern society. 
  • The provisions outlined in this document reflect contemporary legislative approaches to theft, incorporating elements of traditional common law principles while adapting to modern challenges.  
  • These laws seek to balance several important objectives: protecting property rights, establishing proportional punishments based on the severity and circumstances of the offense, providing for restorative justice in minor cases, and addressing specialized forms of theft that present unique societal harms. 
  • This analysis examines the statutory definitions, essential elements, explanatory provisions, illustrations, and prescribed punishments for theft and its aggravated forms.  
  • Understanding these legal frameworks is essential for legal practitioners, law enforcement officials, property owners, and citizens seeking to navigate the boundaries of lawful possession and transfer of property. 

Provisions Related to Theft Under BNS 

Definition of Theft (Section 303(1)) 

  • Section 303(1) defines the basic offense of theft as follows: 
    • "Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the possession of any person without that person's consent, moves that property in order to such taking, is said to commit theft." 

Essential Elements of Theft 

  • The definition contains four key elements that must be established to constitute theft: 
    • Dishonest Intention: The taking must be done with dishonest intent. 
    • Movable Property: The subject of theft must be movable property. 
    • Without Consent: The taking must be without the consent of the person in possession. 
    • Movement of Property: There must be movement of the property to accomplish the taking. 

Explanations to Section 303(1) 

  • The statute provides five explanatory clauses that clarify the application of the theft definition: 
  • Explanation 1: Property Attached to Earth Property attached to the earth is not considered movable and thus cannot be the subject of theft. However, once severed from the earth, it becomes movable property capable of being stolen. 
  • Explanation 2: Severance and Movement The act that severs property from the earth may simultaneously constitute the movement required for theft. 
  • Explanation 3: Indirect Movement A person causes movement not only by physically moving an object but also by: 
    • Removing obstacles that prevented movement 
    • Separating the object from another thing 
  • Explanation 4: Movement Through Animals A person who causes an animal to move is deemed to move that animal and consequently anything moved by that animal as a result. 
  • Explanation 5: Express or Implied Consent Consent may be express or implied and can be given by: 
    • The person in possession, or 
    • Any person having express or implied authority to give such consent 

Illustrative Cases 

  • The statute provides sixteen illustrations (labeled a through p) that demonstrate the application of theft principles to various factual scenarios. These illustrations clarify important legal distinctions, such as: 
    • Severance from Earth (Illustration a): Cutting down a tree with intent to take it dishonestly constitutes theft once severance occurs. 
    • Inducing Animals to Move (Illustration b): Inducing another's dog to follow by using bait, with dishonest intent, constitutes theft once the dog begins to follow. 
    • Indirect Movement (Illustration c): Driving another's bullock carrying treasure constitutes theft of the treasure once the bullock begins to move. 
    • Theft by Servants (Illustration d): A servant entrusted with property who dishonestly takes it without consent commits theft. 
    • Distinction from Criminal Breach of Trust (Illustration e): Taking property not in another's possession is not theft but may constitute criminal breach of trust. 
    • Constructive Possession (Illustration f): Taking property from a house occupied by another, where the property is in constructive possession of the occupant, constitutes theft. 
    • Property Not in Possession (Illustration g): Taking property not in anyone's possession is not theft but may constitute criminal misappropriation. 
    • Intent to Take Later (Illustration h): Hiding property with intent to take it later still constitutes theft at the time of first moving the property. 
    • Absence of Dishonest Intent (Illustrations i, m, n, p): Taking property without dishonest intent does not constitute theft, even if technically without express consent. 
    • Security Interest (Illustrations j, k): Taking one's own property held lawfully by another as security constitutes theft if done to defeat the security interest. 
    • Ransom Scenario (Illustration l): Taking property with intent to obtain reward for its return constitutes theft. 
    • Unauthorized Gift by Spouse (Illustrations n, o): Taking property from a spouse without authority of the owning spouse may constitute theft depending on the reasonable belief of the taker. 

Punishment for Theft (Section 303(2)) 

  • The punishment for theft includes: 
    • First-time Offenders: 
      • Imprisonment of either description for a term up to three years, or 
      • Fine, or  
      • Both 
    • Repeat Offenders (Second or subsequent conviction): 
      • Rigorous imprisonment for a term between one and five years, and 
      • Fine 
    • Minor Theft Provision (Value less than five thousand rupees): 
      • For first-time offenders who return the value of property or restore the stolen property 
      • Punishment with community service 

Specialized Theft Offenses 

Snatching (Section 304) 

  • Section 304(1) defines the specialized offense of snatching: 
    • "Theft is snatching if, in order to commit theft, the offender suddenly or quickly or forcibly seizes or secures or grabs or takes away from any person or from his possession any movable property." 

Punishment for Snatching [Section 304(2)] 

  • The punishment for snatching includes: 
    • Imprisonment of either description for a term up to three years, and 
    • Fine 

Aggravated Forms of Theft (Section 305) 

  • Section 305 establishes enhanced punishments for theft committed in certain locations or involving specific types of property: 
    • Protected Locations: 
      • Buildings, tents, or vessels used as human dwellings 
      • Buildings, tents, or vessels used for custody of property 
    • Transportation-Related Theft: 
      • Theft of any means of transport used for goods or passengers 
      • Theft of articles or goods from such means of transport 
    • Religious Property: 
      • Theft of idols or icons from places of worship 
    • Public Property: 
      • Theft of property belonging to the Government or local authority 

Punishment for Aggravated Theft 

  • The punishment for these aggravated forms of theft includes: 
    • Imprisonment of either description for a term up to seven years, and 
    • Fine 

Theft by Clerk or Servant (Section 306) 

  • When theft is committed by: 
    • A clerk or servant, or 
    • A person employed in the capacity of a clerk or servant 
  • In respect of property in the possession of their master or employer, the punishment is: 
    • Imprisonment of either description for a term up to seven years, and 
    • Fine 

Theft with Preparation for Causing Harm (Section 307) 

  • When theft is committed after making preparation for: 
    • Causing death, hurt, or restraint, or 
    • Creating fear of death, hurt, or restraint 
  • With the purpose of: 
    • Committing the theft, or 
    • Escaping after committing the theft, or 
    • Retaining the property taken by theft 
  • The punishment is: 
    • Rigorous imprisonment for a term up to ten years, and Fine 

Illustrative Cases for Section 307 

  • Armed Theft (Illustration a): Committing theft while carrying a loaded weapon prepared for use in case of resistance. 
  • Coordinated Theft with Lookouts (Illustration b): Pickpocketing with companions posted nearby to restrain the victim if they should resist or attempt to apprehend the thief. 


The theft provisions analyzed in this document reflect a sophisticated legal framework that balances multiple social objectives through a graduated system of punishments and clearly defined offenses. This framework demonstrates the law's evolution from simple prohibitions against stealing to a nuanced system that considers factors such as the offender's history, the context of the taking, the relationship between parties, and the potential for harm or violence. By incorporating restorative justice options for minor first-time offenses while imposing stringent penalties for aggravated forms of theft, the law seeks to deter property crimes while allowing for rehabilitation in appropriate cases.