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Voidable Marriages Under Section 12 of HMA

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Source: Allahabad High Court 

Why in News? 

What was the Background of X v. Y Case? 

  • In the present case, the husband (respondent) and the wife (appellant) married each other in the year 1995. 
  • The husband filed the petition for declaring the marriage null and void under Section 12 of the HMA, 1955 as  
    • It was alleged that a man came to him and informed about his wedding with the appellant in the year 1992. Later it was dissolved by an agreement between the two. 
    • It was further alleged that the appellant did not inform him about her first wedding. 
    • It was alleged that this wedding of appellant and respondent is based on concealment of facts. 
  • The Family court allowed the application of the respondent and declared the marriage null and void. 
  • Aggrieved by the decision of the Family court the present appeal has been filed by the wife under Section 28 of the HMA before the Allahabad High Court as 
    • It was argued by the wife that the application filed by the husband is because the dowry demand has not been fulfilled. 
    • It was further argued that the husband was already informed about her first marriage. 

What were the Court’s Observations? 

  • The Allahabad High Court observed that 
    • The appellant and her mother in their statement made it clear that the respondent and his family inquired about the appellant before marriage and were aware about her first marriage. 
    • The appellant then admitted that she informed the respondent about her first marriage at the time of her vidaai so that marriage could be solemnized. 
    • There was no court decree to show that the first marriage of the appellant was dissolved. 
  • The Allahabad High Court, therefore, held that 
    • The Findings of the lower court were correct. 
    • The appellant did not inform the respondent about her first marriage. 
    • The appellant failed to produce any evidence for her dissolved marriage. 
    • The marriage was null and void.

What is Voidable Marriage? 

  • A marriage which can be annulled or avoided at the option of one or both the parties is known as voidable marriages. 
  • A voidable marriage remains valid and binding and continues to subsist for all purposes, unless a decree is passed by the court annulling the same on any of the grounds mentioned in Section 12 of HMA. 

Section 12 of HMA 

  • Section 12 of HMA envisages provision for voidable marriage as: 
    • A voidable marriage is a valid marriage until it is avoided, and it can only be done if one of the parties to the marriage files a petition for the same. 
    • However, if any of the parties do not file a petition for the annulment of the marriage, it will remain valid. 
    • The parties have the status of a husband and a wife, and their children are considered to be legitimate. All the other rights and obligations of the spouses remain intact. 
  • Clause (ii) of Section 5 of HMA if not complied with makes a marriage voidable. 
  • Section12 of the Hindu marriage Act further mentions following grounds on which marriage can be declare as voidable: 
    • If the marriage has not been consummated because of impotency of the respondent. 
    • If either of the parties to the marriage is incapable of giving consent or has been subject to recurrent attacks of insanity. 
    • If the consent of the petitioner or the consent of the guardian of the petitioner has been obtained by force or fraud. 
    • If the respondent was pregnant before the marriage by some other person than the petitioner.