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USCRIF Report on India


Source: The Hindu  


The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is a government agency that watches over religious freedom around the world. Recently, they released a report about India, saying that religious freedom there is getting worse.  

What is UNCIRF ? 

  • The USCIRF was created by the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998. 
    • This act establishes the commission's legal basis, mandate, and authority. 
  • It is an independent, bipartisan federal government commission.  
    • It operates autonomously from other government branches and includes members from different political parties to ensure balanced perspectives. 
  • While the USCIRF makes recommendations, it does not have the power to implement policies or impose sanctions.  
    • Its role is advisory, with the State Department and other government bodies responsible for acting on its recommendations. 
  • It is composed of nine Commissioners appointed by the President or Congressional leaders of each political party, supported by non-partisan professional staff. 
  • Operates under the authority granted by the IRFA, with the power to conduct research, travel, and produce reports, but does not have direct policy implementation powers. 
  • Produces annual reports and recommendations, including designations for Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) and the Special Watch List (SWL). 
    • Focuses on international religious freedom issues outside the United States. 
  • Bases its analysis and recommendations on international human rights standards and U.S. law. 
  • It’s recommendations are also not binding  
    • It is up to the U.S. Statement Department whether to accept them, and typically, calculations related to bilateral relations and larger foreign policy goals come into play. 

What are the Functions of UNCIRF ? 

  • Congressional Advisory Role 
    • Works directly with Congressional offices 
    • Convenes and provides testimony at hearings 
    • Conducts briefings on countries and thematic issues 
  • Executive Branch Engagement 
    • Holds regular meetings with Executive Branch officials 
    • Shares critical information 
    • Highlights situations of concern 
    • Discusses policy recommendations 
  • International Religious Freedom Monitoring 
    • Conducts research on global religious freedom conditions 
    • Undertakes fact-finding travel 
    • Engages with:  
      • Foreign officials 
      • International partners 
      • Independent human rights groups 
      • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 
      • Religious leaders 
      • Persecution victims 
  • Public Awareness and Advocacy 
    • Organizes public events 
    • Produces podcast episodes 
    • Issues public statements 
    • Publishes opinion editorials 
    • Advocates for victims of Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) violations 
    • Campaigns for prisoner release through:  
      • Religious Prisoners of Conscience (RPOC) Project 
      • Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission's Defending Freedom's Project 
      • USCIRF's FoRB Victims List 
  • Reporting and Analysis 
    • Publishes comprehensive Annual Report 
    • Assesses countries violating religious freedom in a:  
      • Systematic manner 
      • Ongoing basis 
      • Egregious fashion 
    • Examines thematic issues affecting religious freedom globally 
    • Evaluates U.S. policy 
    • Provides recommendations to the U.S. government 

What Does USCIRF'S Country Update on India Indicate? 

  • USCIRF reports that religious freedom in India in 2024 is on a "deteriorating and concerning trajectory." 
  • The update alleges that the Indian government has taken actions that repress and restrict religious minorities through:  
    • Legislation such as the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019  
    • Enforcement of laws characterized as discriminatory, including:  
      • Anti-conversion laws 
      • Cow slaughter laws 
      • Anti-terrorism laws 
  • The report claims that Indian officials have used "hateful and derogatory rhetoric and misinformation" to:  
    • Perpetuate false narratives about religious minorities  
    • Incite widespread violence  
    • Encourage lynchings  
    • Contribute to the demolition of places of worship 
  • In its 2024 annual report, USCIRF designated India as a "Country of Particular Concern" (CPC) for religious freedom violations. 
  • Authorship: The report was authored by Sema Hasan, Senior Policy Analyst with the USCIRF. 
  • The report notes that India's Ministry of External Affairs, through spokesperson rejected the USCIRF's findings, characterizing the organization as: 
    • Biased with a political agenda 
    • Misrepresenting facts  
    • Peddling a motivated narrative about India 
  • India's Official Statement: The Indian government officially stated that they "reject this malicious report" and urged USCIRF to "desist from such agenda-driven efforts." 


While USCIRF's reports are based on research and evidence, they're not binding on the U.S. government. India has strongly rejected this report, calling USCIRF biased. This situation highlights the complex relationship between international monitoring of religious freedom and a country's sovereignty. It also shows how such reports can affect diplomatic relations between nations.