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Important Institutions

National Organization for Women



  • National Organization for Women (NOW) is a prominent feminist organization in the United States (US).   
  • It is the largest feminist organization in the United States, with hundreds of chapters across the country. 
  • NOW's mission encompasses six core issues: reproductive rights and justice, ending violence against women, economic justice, LGBTQIA+ rights, racial justice, and constitutional equality. 
  • Founded in 1966, it is dedicated to achieving full equality for women. 
  • NOW's Statement of Purpose, primarily written by Betty Friedan, declared the organization's intent to bring women into full participation in mainstream American society. 


  • The idea for NOW emerged during the Third National Conference of Commissions on the Status of Women in June 1966. 
  • Betty Friedan wrote "NOW" on a napkin, inspiring the organization's name. 
  • The 28 founding members included prominent figures like Pauli Murray, the first Black female Episcopal priest, and Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to Congress. 
  • Formed in response to the failure of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to enforce Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for women. 

Important Achievements of NOW 

  • Played a crucial role in the "Strike for Equality" on 26th August 1970, marking the 50th anniversary of women's suffrage. 
  • Supported the establishment of rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters across the country. 
  • Advocated for the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974, allowing women to obtain credit cards and loans in their own names. 
  • Fought for Title IX implementation in education, promoting gender equality in schools and colleges. 
  • Continues to advocate for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. 

Functions of NOW 

  • Conducts research and publishes reports on issues affecting women. 
  • Provides training and resources for grassroots organizing and activism. 
  • Operates a Political Action Committee (PAC) to support feminist candidates. 
  • Maintains a legal defense and education fund to support cases related to women's rights. 
  • Organizes an annual conference to discuss feminist issues and strategies. 

Officers and Structure 

  • The president serves a four-year term and can be re-elected once. 
  • There are typically three vice president positions: Executive VP, Membership VP, and Action VP. 
  • The board of directors includes representatives from nine regions across the U.S. 
  • Current president (as of my last update in 2024) is Christian F. Nunes, elected in 2020. 
  • NOW has a decentralized structure with state and local chapters that have significant autonomy.

Major Campaigns Run by NOW

  • Love Your Body Campaign: 
    • This campaign was launched in 1998 to combat the unrealistic beauty standards promoted by the media and advertising industries. Its main objectives are: 
    • To raise awareness about the negative impact of media imagery on women's self-esteem and body image. 
    • To challenge the narrow beauty ideals perpetuated by fashion and beauty industries. 
    • To promote body positivity and self-acceptance among women and girls.
  • ERA Yes Campaign:
    • This long-standing campaign aims to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the US Constitution.  
    • The ERA would guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex.  
    • The campaign gained renewed momentum in recent years, with Virginia becoming the 38th state to ratify the amendment in 2020, though legal challenges remain.
  • Women-Friendly Workplace Campaign: 
    • This campaign focuses on improving workplace conditions and policies for women by: 
      • Advocating for pay equity and transparency in compensation. 
      • Pushing for stronger protections against workplace sexual harassment. 
      • Promoting family-friendly policies such as flexible work arrangements and on-site childcare. 
      • Addressing pregnancy discrimination and supporting accommodations for pregnant workers. 
      • Encouraging women's leadership and advancement in various industries. 
      • The campaign involves a mix of policy advocacy, corporate engagement, and public awareness efforts. NOW often highlights best practices and calls out companies with poor records on women's issues.