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You searched “Specific Relief Act, 1963 (SRA)”. Your tag search matches the following results:

Rescission under Section 28 of Specific Relief Act, 1963


Section 12 of SRA


Suit for Specific Performance of an Agreement to Sell


Section 19(b) of Specific Relief Act, 1963


Substituted Performance of the Contract


Preventive Relief Under SRA


Agreement to Sell Property under Joint Ownership


Perpetual Injunction


Section 28 of SRA


Limitation Period of Suit for Specific Performance


The Specific Relief (Amendment) Act, 2018


Specific Performance under SRA


Section 34 of SRA


Section 34 of Specific Relief Act, 1963


Limitation for Specific Performance Suit


Recovery of Immovable Property


Rectification, Rescission and Cancellation


Specific Performance of Contracts


Nature and Scope of Equitable Remedies


Permanent Injunction
