List of Vocabulary
Ab Initio
- From the beginning.
- To put an end to, To Curtail.
- To induce a person to go from any place by force or deceitful means.
- To instigate or encourage the commission of a crime.
- A state of suspension.
- To put an end to.
- to make shorter; to curtail; to diminish
absconding person
- a person against whom a warrant has been issued and who has absconded so that such warrant cannot be executed
- the action or practice of abstaining
- The fact of accepting.
- Accommodation Anything which serves the need of residence
- An associate in crime or guilt.
- An allegation against a person that he has committed an offence.
- A person against whom an allegation has been made that she/he has committed an offence.
- To set free from the charge of an offence after trial.
- the court's decision that a person is innocent of the crime they were charged with.
Actus reus
- an act which is illegal
- defer proceeding to another day
- Allowability as judicial proof, the quality of being admissible.
- Capable on being allowed as judicial proof
- A voluntary acknowledgment of the existence of a fact or the truth of an allegation made by a party in a dispute.
- A gentle reproof to a convict in lieu of punishment.
- Acting in contrary direction.
- One who is qualified to plead before the court of law.
Advocate General
- The Highest Law Officer of the states in India.
- A written statement in the name of a person, called the deponent by whom it is voluntarily signed and sworn to or affirmed.
- A fight, or argument or an instance of violent behaviour in a public place.
- A relationship between two parties in which one, the agent, represents the other, the principal, in day-to-day transactions.
- A person employed to do any act for another or to represent another in dealings with third person.
- When two persons are related either by blood or adoption or wholly through males
- Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other is agreement
- A foreigner.
alien enemy
- a person owing allegiance to an adverse belligerent State; a person owing allegiance to a country which is at war with India
- to transfer one's interest to another
- the natural, lawful and faithful obedience that every subject owes to the sovereign or a citizen owes to the State and its Constitution
- Modification or change.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to any means of settling disputes outside of the courtroom.
- to merge into a single body
- to merge into a single body
- open to more than one interpretation
- Any alteration made or proposed by adding, deleting or substituting something.
- friendly; done with mutual goodwill
- One from whom a person descends.
- Subservient, related and supplementary.
- to affect so as to ruffle, trouble, vex
- " an amount specially of money payable yearly (or by extension at other regular intervals, as quarterly) for a certain or uncertain period"
Anticipatory bail
- pre-arrest bail which means allowing an accused person to apply for bail before arrest.
- A proceeding taken before a superior court or authority for reversing or modifying decision of an inferior court.
- The action of appearing formally.
Appropriate Government
- The Appropriate Government refers to either the Union Government or The State Government.
- Depending on will or pleasure, based on mere opinion or preference, hence capricious
- Determination of a matter in dispute by Aribtrators. (Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996)
- The national armed forces intended for military service on land.
- That which remains unpaid.
- to seize someone, usually because they are suspected of committing a crime, and take them into custody.
- Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury upon the person of another, when coupled with an apparent present ability to do so.
Attached Property
- A property attached by the court for the purpose of execution.
- The action of attaching.
Attorney General of India
- The Attorney General of India is the Chief Legal Advisor of the Government of India.
- A body entrusted with the right or power to do something.
- Temporary release from imprisonment on furnishing surety or security to appear for trial.
- One to whom goods are bailed.
- Bailment is the delivery of goods by one person to another for some purpose, upon a contract that they shall, when the purpose is accomplished, be returned or otherwise disposed of according to the directions of the person delivering them.
- One who delivers goods under bailment.
Balance of Convenience
- The relative merits of the parties' case and the computation of loss suffered by the parties.
- this is the name given to the intentional application of force to a person without lawful justification, and corresponds to the offence known as the use of criminal force in the Indian Penal Code
- The act of begging.
Beneficial Enjoyment
- Enjoyment in one's own right and for one's own benefit and not as a trustee.
- In good faith
- A formal written agreement by which a person undertakes to perform a certain act.
Bound by Law
- Having a legal duty to do something.
- The act of failing to perform one's agreement, breaking one's word, or otherwise actively violating one's duty to other.
Breach of Contract
- A breach of contract occurs whenever a party to a contract fails to perform their promised obligations.
- The offer and acceptance of bribe.
- A plan of how to spend an amount of money over a particular period of time.
Cancellation of Instrument
- Nullification of a written document.
- A picture or description of somebody that makes his/her appearance or behaviour funnier and more extreme.
Circumstantial Evidence
- Evidences of indirect nature.
- The status of a citizen of a country.
- Application of force either physical or moral as to constraint someone to act against his will.
- When two persons are related by blood or adoption but not wholly through males
Cognizable Offence
- Where Poilce Officer can arrest without warrant.
- Jurisdiction over the hearing and trying of a case.
- Connected or related to commerce.
Common Intention
- An intention shared by all concerned.
Common Object
- An object shared by all concerned.
- The substitution of a lesser punishment for a greater one.
- The party who makes the complaint in a legal action or proceeding.
- A formal accusation in the court of law.
- The action of concealing.
Conclusive Proof
- When one fact is declared by this Act to be conclusive proof of another, the Court shall, on proof of the one fact, regard the other as proved, and shall not allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it.
- Running together in time or space.
Concurrent List
- The concurrent list consists of subjects of common interest to both the Union and the States.
Conditional Order
- An order having a condition added to it
- To pardon.
- The action of confessing or acknowledging one's guilt.
- A concurrence of will.
- Something that happens or follows as a result of something else.
- A planning and acting together secretly especially for an unlawful or harmful purpose.
Constitution Bench
- Any case involving a substantial question of law as to the interpretation of the Constitution must be decided by a Bench of at least five judges. Such a Bench is called a Constitution Bench.
- to limt the power of goverment and follow the constitution
- That which has not the character assigned to its own nature but acquires such character in consequence of the way in which it is regarded by a rule of or of policy of law.
- That which is contained within something.
- Possible, but not assured ; conditioned upon the occurrence of some future event which is itself uncertain, or questionable.
Contingent Interest
- An interest that the holder may enjoy only upon the occurrence of a condition precedent...
- An agreement enforceable by law.
Contributory negligence
- The act or omission amounting to want of ordinary care on the part of the complaining party which concurring with defendant's negligence, is proximate cause of injury
- A person found guilty of an offense.
- The legal right to be the only person who may print, copy, perform, etc. a piece of original work, such as a book, a song or a computer program
Council of States
- The upper house of India's bicameral Parliament.
- A claim set up against the plaintiff in the same suit.
- Imitate with the intent to deceive.
Court of Justice
- A Judge or a body of Judges which is empowered by law to act judicially as a body when such Judge or body of Judges is acting judicially.
Court of Session
- A Court of Session is the highest Criminal Court in a district and the court of first instance for trying serious offences.
- Any collateral relation except brothers and sisters and their descendants and the brothers and sisters of any ancestor
- An agreement by deed between two or more persons to do one or more thing or things.
- A person to whom a debt is owned by another person called the debtor.
Criminal proceeding
- A proceeding instituted and conducted for the purpose either of preventing the commission of a crime or forfixing the guilt of a crime already committed and punishing the offender, as distinguished from a civil proceeding which is for the redress of a private injury
Cross Examination
- The examination of a witness by the adverse party.
Culpable Homicide
- The crime of killing a person under circumstances previously defined by statute that does not amounts to murder.
- Robbery committed by a gang of 5 persons.
- the sum claimed or awarded in compensation for loss or injury sustained
de facto
- in fact; as a matter of fact
Deadly Weapon
- a weapon causing or having the capacity to cause death
Debenture stock
- Debenture in the form of a stock, the nominal capital of which represents a debt of which only the interest is secured by a perpetual annuity.
- One who is indebted to another
Deceased partner
- a partner who is dead
- To cause to believe what is false.
- a formal expression of adjudication by which the court
- the action of defaming; the fact of being defamed
defamatory libel
- Defamation in writing
- the opposing or denial of the truth or validity of the prosecutor’s complaint; the proceedings by a defendant or accused party (or his legal agents) for defending himself
- The act of delegation.
- Determining and marking of boundaries
- one who deposes or gives evidence; a witness
- To testify or give (evidence, etc) on oath.
- The action of derogating, detraction .
- The action of detaining; Keeping in confinement or custody.
- A figure composed of lines, serving to illustrate a statement or to aid in a demonstration.
diplomatic agent
- an agent employed by a State in its diplomatic service or in its intercourse or negotiations with other States
- The act of freeing from an obligation.
- Pertaining to discretion.
- Not worthy of trust or belief
- The act of depravation of office.
- To refuse to recognize.
- To separate and go in different directions.
- A situation or fact that means one is not allowed or able to participate in something.
- Deprive someone of power, rights, or possessions.
Division Bench
- A bench constituting of two judges.
- The legal end of a marriage..
- To disclose; to reveal
- The place in a criminal court where a prisoner stands or sits during trial
Doctrine of eclipse
- an existing law inconsistent with a fundamental right though becomes inoperative from the date of the commencement of the Constitution is not dead altogether
- An official piece of writing which gives information, proof or evidence
Documentary Evidence
- Documents that can be presented as evidence.
- The place where one has permanent residence to which if absent, he has the intention of returning.
Donatio mortis causa
- A gift of personal property by a person on the point of death.
- To whom the gift is made.
- One who makes a gift.
- Dower is security given by husband to his wife so that she can maintain herself after divorce or death of her husband.
Dowry Death
- Dowry Death relates to death of a woman within 7 years of marriage under unnatural circumstances in relation to dowry demands by her husband or his family.
Due performance of contract
- Performance of a contract in a requisite manner
- An easement is a nonpossessory right to use and/or enter onto the real property of another without possessing it.
Electronic Record
- A record generated, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means for use in an information system.
- An unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action.
- The action of encroaching i.e. intruding usurpingly
- A claim, lien, liability, attached to property as mortgage etc.
- To put in peril.
- A donation of money or property to a non-profit organization, which uses the resulting investment income for a specific purpose.
- To compel the observance of.
- a legal right to do something or have something
- Property in which one has a right or interest.
- The act of deliberately ending a person's life to relieve suffering.
- With respect to or in the interests of one side.
Examination In Chief
- The examination of witness by the party who calls him.
- Exclusion of anything or a person.
- The action of executing or carrying into effect.
- The action of exempting; the state of being exempted; immunity from a liability, obligation, penalty, law or authority
Expert Opinion
- Opinion of a person who has made special study of a subject or acquired special experience therein.
- The action or practice of extorting anything, especially money, from a person by force or by undue exercise of authority or power.
- excerpt quotation; a portion or fragment of any writing ; to draw anything from a substance by heat, distillation, solvents
- the action of giving up a fugitive criminal to the authorities of the State in which the crime was committed
- To forge.
- An actual and absolute reality, as distinguished from mere supposition or opinion.
Fact in Issue
- Any fact from which, either by itself or in connection with other facts, the existence, non-existence, nature or extent of any right, liability, or disability, asserted or denied in any suit or proceeding, necessarily follows.
False Evidence
- Untrue Evidence.
False instrument
- An instrument or weight, etc. which is not genuine or does not conform to the prescribed standard
- A union of societies or organisation; a political unit with a central government and consisting of several States each of which claims control of its internal affairs
- A union of societies or organisation; a political unit with a central government and consisting of several States each of which claims control of its internal affairs
- The act of depriving someone of something in consequence of an offence or breach of a condition.
- Using false representation to obtain an unjust advantage.
- Intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right.
Free Consent
- Consent is said to be free when it is not caused by coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, and mistake.
- A voluntary transfer by one person to another of any existing movable or immovable property, made without consideration
Good Faith
- A state of mind indicating honesty and lawfulness of purpose.
- the state of wishing well to a person ; the possession of a ready-made connection of customers, considered as a separate element in the saleable value of a business
- The executive head of each state of Union of India.
- the action of granting or bestowing; an authoritative bestowal or conferring of a right; a gift or assignment of money etc. out of a fund
- Without valuable or legal consideration.
- Action of securing or guaranteeing security .
- One who has or is entitled to the custody of the person or property of a minor or an idiot.
Guilty Intention
- Intent pertaining to deserving punishment and moral reprobation.
Habeas Corpus
- To have the body
Habitual Offender
- A person who is persistently leading a dishonest and criminal life.
- To give shelter to.
Heir Apparent
- A person whose right of inheritance is indefeasible, provided he outlives the ancestor.
High Court
- The Highest Court of Justice in states.
- A person who possess in virtue of a lawful title.
House of People
- The lower house of India's bicameral Parliament.
- That which is contrary to law
- Not recognized as lawful offspring
- Process by which a legislative body or other legally constituted tribunal initiates charges against a public official.
- Indicated not by express words but by logical inference.
- implicitly; by implication
- To place athouritatively.
- The legal process of creating an entity or corporation.
- Security or protection against hurt, loss or damage.
- Act of the owner/payee signing his name to the back of a negotiable instrument so as to make it payable to another or cashable by any person.
- That which induces, something attractive by which a person is led on or persuaded to action.
- the state or period of being an infant; early childhood
- to derive by reasoning
inherent power
- power which, while not expressly granted will nevertheless be deemed to exist or be inherent in a court, or a corporate or governmental body
- A Court order commanding or preventing an action.
- Infringement of rights of another in his person, reputation or property for which an action lies at law.
- the fact of not being guilty of that with which one is charged; guiltlessness; the condition of being innnocent
- Without practical force.
- It means every inquiry, other than a trial, conducted under this Code by a Magistrate Court.
- Unsoundness of mind as a consequence of brain disease, madness, mental derangement.
- the state of one who has not property sufficient for the full payments of his debts; the condition of being insolvent
Institution of Suit
- The fact of presentment of suit in Court of Law.
- A written document; a formal or legal document in writing, such as a contract, deed, will, bond, or lease
- that in respect of which insurance has been done
- The person insure against loss
Interim order
- Interim orders are provisional or temporary orders by judges or administrative agencies
Interlocutory Application
- An application made in the course of an action; an application made for keeping things in status quo till the rights can be decided or for the purpose of obtaining some interim direction of the court.
- to meddle with the affairs or property of another
Interpleader Suit
- A suit pleaded between two parties to determine a matter of claim or right to property held by a third party.
Interpretation clause
- a section in an Act defining the meanings of different words occurring in that statute
- A space of time between the recurrence of similar conditions or states; a space between things
- Between Living Persons.
- One who has died without a valid will.
- A substance that produces false feeling of pleasure, happiness and a lack of control.
- to resort to
- not done willingly
Joint Sitting
- The collective sitting of both the Houses of Parliament called by the President of India which is presided over by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha.
- One invested with authority to determine any cause or question in court of justice.
Judgement Debtor
- one whose obligation to pay a judgement debt remains unsatisfied; a person against whom a judgement directing to pay a sum of money is still executable
Judicial Separation
- A separation of husband or wife under the orders of court which puts an end to cohabitation but not to marriage.
Jural postulates
- of or relating to law
- power or authority in general; legal authority or power; the authority or power of a court to entertain and decide on any judicial proceedings; the area over which the power of the court extends
- A person who is an expert in law.
Juristic Person
- A body of persons , corporation, partnership or other legal entity recognized by law as subject of rights and duties.
- A certain number of men, selected according to law, and sworn to inquire of certain matters of fact, and declare the truth upon evidence to be laid before them.
- Subject to action of court of justice.
Justified by Law
- Having legal justification for an act.
- A juvenile is a child below the age of eighteen years.
Juvenile delinquency
- a status in a juvenile characterised by anti-social behaviour, waywardness, incorrigibility; an offence
juvenile offender
- children who have committed an indictable offence
- An act of stealing, adbucting or carrying away a person by force or fraud.
- that has been mentioned second of the two
Law Commission of India
- An executive body to advise the government on legal reform.
- Permitted by law.
Leading Questions
- A question suggesting the answer which the person putting it wishes or expects to receive.
Legal Disability
- Lack of legal capacity to perform an action due to insufficient physical and mental abilities.
Legislative Assembly
- A legislative body in the States and Union Territories of India.
Legislative Council
- Legislative Council is the Upper House of the State Legislature.
- The quality of being a legitimate child.
- Lawfully begotten.
- A person to whom the lease is made
- A person by whom a lease is made
- the condition of one who is subject to a duty which may be judicially enforced; that for which one is liable
- The state of being bound or obliged in law or justice to do, pay, or make good something; legal responsibility.
- A right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.
Life Interest
- A term given to the interest in property that lasts for a person’s life time.
Local Authority
- a municipal committee, district board, body of port commissioners or other authority legally entitled to, or entrusted by the Government with, the management or, control of a municipal or local fund
Local Law
- law applicable to a particular locality or area
Local Law
- A law applicable only to a particular part of India
- the act or fact of losing; the harm or privation resulting from losing; the thing lost; an amount by which the cost exceeds the selling price; opposed to profit
- A civil officer charged with the administration of the laws and having criminal jurisdiction of the first instance; a public officer invested with judicial powers in criminal jurisdiction
- Sustenance or support allowance.
Maintenance Pendente Lite
- Maintenance provided by the court during the pendency of the proceedings.
- One who has attained the age of majority i.e. an age at which he becomes legally capable of conducting his own affairs.
Mala fide
- in bad faith
- Pertaining to malice (Malice - Intentional doing of a wrongful act).
- arranging (assets or securities) in the order in which they are available to meet various kinds of claims
Material Proposition
- a proposition of law or fact which a plaintiff must allege in order to show right to sue or a defendant must allege in order to constitute his defence
- The time when a bill of exchange or promissory note becomes due.
May Presume
- Court may either regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved, or may call for proof of it.
- Mediation is one of the effective and now well-known alternative dispute resolution methods, which helps the litigants to resolve their disputes voluntarily and amicably with the assistance of a third party known as 'Mediator'.
- the writing in which the terms of a transaction or contract are embodied; a note to help the memory; a summary of the grounds for or against an action
- the act of joining two or more companies together
Mesne Profit
- Mesne profits is fee that a person in unlawful possession of another’s property must pay to the owner of the property for such wrongful occupation
Metropolitan Area
- According to CrPC it means a city or town whose population exceeds one million.
- A person who has not attained majority.
- A statement or conduct which conveys a false or wrong impression.
Mistake of fact
- a mistake as to any matter of fact not being mistake of law
Mistake of law
- a mistake as to the legal consequences or significance of an act, transaction or state of affairs or mistake on a point of law
- a change or alteration which introduces new elements into the details or some of them, but leaves the general purpose and effect of the subject matter intact
Money Bill
- Money bills are concerned with financial matters like taxation, public expenditure, etc. and is defined in Article 110 of the Indian Constitution.
Moral Turpitude
- The morally culpable quality held to be present in some criminal offences as distinguished from others.
- The transfer of an interest in immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money advanced by way of loan.
Movable Property
- Property which can be removed or displaced.
- a legal practitioner on the criminal and revenue side only; agent; a representative; one holding a power of attorney
- The crime of killing a person under circumstances previously defined by statute.
Muster roll
- roster, a register of all workmen of the industrial establishment
- a significant and basic alteration, substitution of the name of a person by the name of another in relation to property in the record showing right or title to the property
- To render imperfect by cutting off or destroying a part.
mutual agreement
- a reciprocal agreement
Mutual Consent
- As agreed to by the people involved.
Narcotic Substance
- Narcotics are drugs such as opium or heroin which induce sleep and stops one from feeling pain. It may also symbolize illegal drug.
- Navy is a branch of a nation's armed forces principally designated for naval and amphibious warfare.
- a person named for any office, duty or position
Non Cognizable Offence
- No arrest without warrant.
Non Testamentary
- Otherwise than by a will.
- A solemn appeal usually formal calling upon God to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says.
Obiter dictum
- An opinion of law not necessary to the decision
- a duty to do or not to do something
Obscene object
- anything tangible or visible which is offensive to good taste or which tends to corrupt the morals or to lower the standards of right and wrong especially as to sexual relationships
- to adhere to; to follow; to perceive; to watch
- Any act or omission made punishable by any law for the time being in force.
- that which makes angry, to hurt the feelings ;harmful; causing injury or damage
- a collection of many cross-sectoral regulations at different levels in one regulatory product.
On sale or return
- with option to the recipient that he may accept the goods as sold to him or return them to the supplier
Open Court
- a sitting of court at the transactions of which the public are free to be present
Oral Evidence
- Evidence given orally.
- An authoritative direction, mandate passed by a court or judge.
Order in council
- an order having the full force of law that is issued by the British Monarch acting by and with the advice of the Privy Council or by Governor General
- Ordinance promulgated by the President of India or the Governor of any State when the legislature is not in session; a class of delegated legislation
Ostensible owner
- one, who holds himself out as an owner but is not really so
- To dominate or prevail over.
- To prevail or take precedence over
- to set aside (a previous action or decision)
- the fact or state of being an owner; proprietorship
- A pact is a formal agreement or promise between two or more parties.
Paramount consideration
- pre-eminent consideration
- the promise of a prisoner upon his faith and honour to fulfil stated conditions (as to return to custody); the state or period of freedom resulting from a parole; a conditional and revocable release of a prisoner serving an unexpired sentence in a penal institution
- The dividing of lands held by joint tenants, coparceners, or tenants in common, into distinct portions, so that they may hold them in severalty.
- a relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business to be carried on by all or any of them acting for all
Partnership at will
- a partnership where no provision is made by contract between the partners for the duration or determination of their partnership
Passing off
- the wrong committed by a person who sells goods or carries on business, etc. under such a name, mark, description or otherwise in such a manner as to mislead the public into believing that the goods or business etc. is that of another person
- The official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention.
Patent Defect
- A defect, or anomaly that can be found easily upon inspection.
- something designed or used as a model for making things
- A person destitute of means except as are derived from charity.
- Where bailment is for the purpose of payment of debt or performance of promise, bailee in that case is pawnee.
- Where bailment is for the purpose of payment of debt or performance of promise, bailor in that case is pawnor.
- All sums payable to a man in respect of his services other than allowance; money paid for labour or service, to make payment
Pecuniary Jurisdiction
- A jurisdiction as limited by the value of the subject matter of the suit.
- A pellets is a small, rounded mass of material.
- A punishment imposed for breach of any law, rule or contract.
Permanent Alimony
- Alimony provided by the court of law at any time when the decree is passed or thereafter.
Perpetual Injunction
- Injunction which forms part of judgement or order and is not restricted as to time.
- the duration without limitation as to time
- a privilege, gain or profit incidental to an employment in addition to regular salary or wages
- The act of personating someone.
- a formal application in writing made to court for judicial action for something that lies in its jurisdiction; a written application addressed to a superior, or to a person or body in authority, soliciting some favour, right or mercy or the redress of some wrong or grievance
- the statement in writing of a course of action in which the relief claimed is set out in detail
- the party, who brings a suit to a court of law
Plea of Guilty
- Pleading by a person who admits that he has committed a crime.
- The bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt or performance of a promise.
- the practice or custom according to which one man has or may have two or more wives
- Physical Control whether actual or in the eyes of law.
- An introductory part of the statute, ordinance or regulation.
- Earlier laws or decisions that provide example or act as a guide.
- A written order or a mandate.
- To lay down by rules.
- The act of keeping safe from injury, harm or destruction.
- The constitutional head in a Republican Government.
Presiding Officer
- The judicial officer, who presides over the court; the officer who presides over a deliberative assembly, an officer appointed to superintend the polling at an election.
- To hold as proved unless otherwise shown.
Preventive Relief
- A relief intended to prevent an injury.
Prima Facie
- On the face of it.
- One who employs others to act for him subject to his general control.
- A person who is kept in prison.
- The right to be let alone, or freedom from interference or intrusion.
Private Defence
- A right to protect body and property of oneself and others.
Privileged Communication
- A privileged communication is a conversation between two parties that is legally classified as a private discussion.
- The judicial procedure by which a testamentary document is established to be a valid will.
- To make public official announcement
- To forbid by authority or command.
- a firm agreement to perform an act, refrain from acting or make a payment or delivery.
- The person to whom the promise is made.
- The person making the promise.
- The legal document by which a monetary liability is created on the promisor in favour of a promisee..
- nearness of relationship
- The relation of one part to another or to the whole with respect to magnitude, quality or degree
- When one person signifies to another his willingness to do or to abstain from doing anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence, he is said to make a proposal;
- The party by whom criminal proceedings are instituted or conducted.
- A clause inserted in a legal or formal document related to some condition, stipulation, exception or limitation on subject matter.
- The action of an act or existing anger, resentment or irritation.
- Relating to or denoting drugs that affect a person's mental state.
Public Interest Litigation
- Litigation undertaken to secure public interest and demonstrate the availability of justice to socially-disadvantaged parties.
Public Nuisance
- An act that is illegal because it interferes with the rights of the public generally.
Public Prosecutor
- A public officer charged with the investigation and prosecution of punishable acts on behalf of state.
- Liable to be punished or deserving of punishment
Quasi Contract
- An obligation is imposed by law on parties because of a relationship between parties or because one of them would otherwise be unjustly enriched.
- Essentially judicial in character but not within the judicial power or function especially as constitutionally defined.
Quick Unborn Child
- Unborn but moving fetus.
- The money, price or consideration paid or demanded for the release of a person or restoration of a thing.
- An act which is done without due care and attention.
Rash or negligent Act
- An act which is done without due care and attention.
- The confirmation of a previous act done either by the party himself or by another
- To confirm or make valid by giving consent.
Re Examination
- The examination of a witness subsequent to the cross examination by the party who called him.
Reason to Believe
- Postulates belief and the existence of reasons for that belief
- An account of some fact or event preserved in writing or other permanent form.
Rectification of instrument
- Correcting the errors of the instrument.
- The action of clearing of a liability.
- The action of referring.
- Someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a fear of being persecuted.
- Rule or order having the force of law issued by an executive authority of a government usually under power granted by the Constitution.
relation of things
- the feature or attribute of things which is involved in considering them in comparison or contrast with each other
- Pertinent ( connected with what is happening or being talked about ).
- Legal Redressal or remedy.
- to reject (a charge etc.) with denial, as being quite unfounded or inapplicable; to disown or disavow
- The common or general estimate of a person with respect to character or other qualities.
Res Judicata
- A case or suit already decided.
- An action of restraint.
- a number or company of persons retained in the service or attached to or following someone, especially a sovereign noble or person in authority
- The annual or periodical yield of taxes, excises, customs, duties etc. that an entity collects and receives into the treasury for public use.
- The process under which a court in certain circumstances can reconsider its own judgement.
- The act of examining again in order to remove any defect or grant relief against the irregular or improper exercise or non-exercise of jurisdiction by a lower court.
- The act of revoking.
- To call back, To rescind.
- A violent disturbance of peace by members of unlawful assembly.
- dues payable to a land owner for mining rights; sums paid for the use of a patent; percentage paid to an author by a publisher on the sale of his book
- a prescribed, suggested or self-imposed guide for conduct or action; a principle; a kind of regulation or bye-law; a principle regulating some action
Rules of court
- The rules of practice and rules to regulate procedure and facilitate the administration of justice which courts have the inherent power to prescribe as they may be deem necessary, independently of statute giving them authority to do so
- An appendix to an act of legislature containing a statement of detail or taking the form of detailed list of relevant matter.
- Property as assurance to secure fulfilment of an obligation and forfeitable in the event of non fulfilment.
- The action of seizing.
Set Aside
- To annul, quash.
Set Off
- An item or amount which is or should be set off against another in settlement of accounts.
- Capable of being separated.
Shall Presume
- Whenever it is directed by IEA that the Court shall presume a fact, it shall regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved.
- To enter into a marriage contract with due publication
Solitary Confinement
- That imprisonment during which a convict is segregated from other convicts and kept alone.
Sound Mind
- A state of mind in which one can understand the nature of man's action and form a judgement of his own.
Special Law
- A law applicable to a particular subject
State List
- State list includes the important subjects on which the state government can pass the law.
Sub Judice
- In course of trial.
Subordinate Court
- The state judiciary consists of a High Court and a hierarchy of subordinate courts, also known as lower courts. The subordinate courts are so-called because of their subordination to the state high court.
Subsistence Allowance
- An allowance for maintenance granted under special circumstances.
- The process by which one person succeeds another in the occupation or possession of any estate or the like.
- An authoritative call to attend a specified place for a specified purpose, a writ by which a person is called to appear before a court or judicial officer.
- The exercise of supervision.
Supreme Court
- The Highest Court of Justice in India.
- A person who finds himself for the payment of sum of money or for the performance of something else for another who is already bound for the same.
- the right of a person to property by reason of his having survived another person who had an interest in it; the state or condition of being a survivor
- that which can be touched; material; objective
Temporary Injunction
- An injunction passed on temporary basis.
- One who holds land, house etc. by lease.
- To put an end to something.
Territorial Jurisdiction
- Jurisdiction over cases arising in or involving persons/property within a defined territory.
- Relating to will.
- One who makes the will.
- The statement made by a witness under oath.
- Right barred on account of non-action for the period prescribed under the law of limitation.
- A civil wrong independent of contract
- Poisonous
Trade Mark
- A mark used by a manufacturer or trader to distinguish his goods from the goods of another.
Trafficking of person
- Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.
- A transaction is a group of facts, connected together to be referred to by a single legal name, a crime, contract, wrong or any other subject of enquiry which may be in issue.
- To go onto somebody's land or property without permission.
- A judicial examination in accordance with law.
- Tribunals are judicial or quasi-judicial institutions established by law.
- A person who has property or rights which he holds or is bound to exercise for or on behalf of another or for accomplishment of some specific purpose.
- Subsequent in time
- being of one mind
Under Value
- Valuation below the real worth.
- not seen before-hand; not expected
- Not damaged or made less
Union List
- Union List in seventh schedule of Constitution includes subjects of national importances.
- That which is contrary to law or not authorized by law.
Unlawful Assembly
- An assembly of 5 or more persons constituted to do an act prohibited by law.
Uterine Blood
- When two persons are descended from a common ancestress but by different husbands
- To make void, To make of no authority or validity.
- Of worth or value.
Valuable Security
- It denotes a document which is, or purports to be, a document whereby any legal right is created, extended, transferred, restricted, extinguished or released, or whereby any person acknowledges that he lies under legal liability, or has not a certain legal right.
- Language spoken by the people of a country or any part thereof.
- Anything used by human beings for the transportation of water.
- any authoritative prohibition; the power of rejecting or forbidding; the right of any one of the five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations to prevent the Council taking action on any matter other than purely procedural
Village Panchayat
- An element of Panchayati Raj that functions at the village level for the welfare and development of the village.
- Having no legal force or binding effect.
- With one's own will.
- People, resources, property, environments susceptible to be harmed, degrade, destroyed or exposed to hostile factors.
- Something (especially a sum of money) laid down on issue of an uncertain event .
- to relinquish either by express declaration or by some intentional act which by law is equivalent to this
- one who gives or is to give evidence in a cause; a person sworn to speak the truth in a trial; one who attests a document; one that is cognizant of something by direct experience
- Unjust
Wrongful Gain
- A gain by unlawful means of property to which the person gaining is not legally entitled.
Wrongful Loss
- A loss by unlawful means of property to which the person losing it is legally entitled.
Wrongful Possession
- Possession by a person not entitled to the property or obtains possession through wrongful means.
Your Honour
- A proper way to address a judge in court.