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List of Vocabulary

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  • Nullification of a written document.
Court may allow partial cancellation of an instrument.
  • A picture or description of somebody that makes his/her appearance or behaviour funnier and more extreme.
A caricature is a document.
  • Evidences of indirect nature.
Circumstantial Evidence needs to be admitted with due care.
  • The status of a citizen of a country.
India allows single citizenship to its citizens.
  • Application of force either physical or moral as to constraint someone to act against his will.
A contract where the consent is caused by coercion is voidable.
  • When two persons are related by blood or adoption but not wholly through males
The property of a male Hindu dying intestate shall devolve upon the cognates of the deceased, if there is no agnate.
  • Where Poilce Officer can arrest without warrant.
Theft is a cognizable offence.
  • Jurisdiction over the hearing and trying of a case.
A magistrate can take cognizance of an offence upon a police report.
  • Connected or related to commerce.
The Civil Procedure Code, 1908 was amended in accordance with The Commercial Courts Act, 2015.
  • An intention shared by all concerned.
Common Intention is punishable under S. 34 of the India Penal Code, 1860.
  • An object shared by all concerned.
Common Object is punishable under S.149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
  • The substitution of a lesser punishment for a greater one.
Commutation of death sentence is provided by Section 54 of The Indian Penal Code, 1860.
  • The party who makes the complaint in a legal action or proceeding.
A complainant shall be examined on oath by the magistrate.
  • A formal accusation in the court of law.
A magistrate can take cognizance under Section 190 of Criminal Procedure Code on a criminal complaint.
  • The action of concealing.
Concealment of birth by secret disposal of dead body is punishable under Section 318 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
  • When one fact is declared by this Act to be conclusive proof of another, the Court shall, on proof of the one fact, regard the other as proved, and shall not allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it.
Marriage is conclusive proof of paternity unless rebutted by non-access.
  • Running together in time or space.
According to Section 31 of Code of Criminal Procedure, if accused is convicted for two or more offences, then they should run concurrently.
  • The concurrent list consists of subjects of common interest to both the Union and the States.
Criminal Law is a subject under the concurrent list.
  • An order having a condition added to it
A District Magistrate, Sub Divisional Magistrate or other Executive Magistrate can pass conditional order under Code of Criminal Procedure.
  • To pardon.
The Court condoned the delay.
  • The action of confessing or acknowledging one's guilt.
A confession made to the Police cannot be proved against the accused.
  • A concurrence of will.
The consent of the party was obtained by fraud.
  • Something that happens or follows as a result of something else.
An unlawful act always results in unfavorable consequences.
  • A planning and acting together secretly especially for an unlawful or harmful purpose.
A and B entered into a conspiracy to murder C.
  • Any case involving a substantial question of law as to the interpretation of the Constitution must be decided by a Bench of at least five judges. Such a Bench is called a Constitution Bench.
The provision related to constitution bench is provided by Article 145(3) of the Constitution of India.
  • to limt the power of goverment and follow the constitution
Indian constitution has the concept of constitutionalism.
  • That which has not the character assigned to its own nature but acquires such character in consequence of the way in which it is regarded by a rule of or of policy of law.
Constructive Res Judicata is provided by Explanation IV of Section 11 of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908.
  • That which is contained within something.
The contents of the documents may be proved by primary or secondary evidence.
  • Possible, but not assured ; conditioned upon the occurrence of some future event which is itself uncertain, or questionable.
Contingent agreements to do or not to do anything, if an impossible event happens, are void.
  • An interest that the holder may enjoy only upon the occurrence of a condition precedent...
A contingent interest becomes vested interest when the condition precedent is fulfilled.
  • An agreement enforceable by law.
The contract between the parties was illegal.
  • A person found guilty of an offense.
A was convicted for the offence of murder.
  • The legal right to be the only person who may print, copy, perform, etc. a piece of original work, such as a book, a song or a computer program
Copyright protection is granted for a period which extends throughout the lifetime of the author and then 60 years from the death of the author.
  • The upper house of India's bicameral Parliament.
The Vice President of India is the ex officio chairman of Rajya Sabha.
  • A claim set up against the plaintiff in the same suit.
Counter Claim can be filed under Order 8 Rule 6A of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908.
  • A claim set up against the plaintiff in the same suit.
Counter Claim can be filed under Order 8 Rule 6A of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908.
  • Imitate with the intent to deceive.
A was punished for the offence of counterfeiting coins.
  • A Judge or a body of Judges which is empowered by law to act judicially as a body when such Judge or body of Judges is acting judicially.
A Panchayat acting under Regulation VII of 1816, of the Madras Code, having power to try and determine suits, is a Court of Justice
  • A Court of Session is the highest Criminal Court in a district and the court of first instance for trying serious offences.
Session Courts can award death penalty subject to High Court's confirmation.
  • An agreement by deed between two or more persons to do one or more thing or things.
Many international covenants mention about the concept of human dignity.
  • A person to whom a debt is owned by another person called the debtor.
In a contract of guarantee the person to whom the guarantee is given is the creditor.
  • The examination of a witness by the adverse party.
Leading Questions may be asked in cross examination.
  • The crime of killing a person under circumstances previously defined by statute that does not amounts to murder.
The punishment for the offence of culpable homicide is provided by Section 304 of The Indian Penal Code, 1860.