List of Vocabulary
- A civil officer charged with the administration of the laws and having criminal jurisdiction of the first instance; a public officer invested with judicial powers in criminal jurisdiction
- Sustenance or support allowance.
Maintenance Pendente Lite
- Maintenance provided by the court during the pendency of the proceedings.
- One who has attained the age of majority i.e. an age at which he becomes legally capable of conducting his own affairs.
Mala fide
- in bad faith
- Pertaining to malice (Malice - Intentional doing of a wrongful act).
- arranging (assets or securities) in the order in which they are available to meet various kinds of claims
Material Proposition
- a proposition of law or fact which a plaintiff must allege in order to show right to sue or a defendant must allege in order to constitute his defence
- The time when a bill of exchange or promissory note becomes due.
May Presume
- Court may either regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved, or may call for proof of it.
- Mediation is one of the effective and now well-known alternative dispute resolution methods, which helps the litigants to resolve their disputes voluntarily and amicably with the assistance of a third party known as 'Mediator'.
- the writing in which the terms of a transaction or contract are embodied; a note to help the memory; a summary of the grounds for or against an action
- the act of joining two or more companies together
Mesne Profit
- Mesne profits is fee that a person in unlawful possession of another’s property must pay to the owner of the property for such wrongful occupation
Metropolitan Area
- According to CrPC it means a city or town whose population exceeds one million.
- A person who has not attained majority.
- A statement or conduct which conveys a false or wrong impression.
Mistake of fact
- a mistake as to any matter of fact not being mistake of law
Mistake of law
- a mistake as to the legal consequences or significance of an act, transaction or state of affairs or mistake on a point of law
- a change or alteration which introduces new elements into the details or some of them, but leaves the general purpose and effect of the subject matter intact
Money Bill
- Money bills are concerned with financial matters like taxation, public expenditure, etc. and is defined in Article 110 of the Indian Constitution.
Moral Turpitude
- The morally culpable quality held to be present in some criminal offences as distinguished from others.
- The transfer of an interest in immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money advanced by way of loan.
Movable Property
- Property which can be removed or displaced.
- a legal practitioner on the criminal and revenue side only; agent; a representative; one holding a power of attorney
- The crime of killing a person under circumstances previously defined by statute.
Muster roll
- roster, a register of all workmen of the industrial establishment
- a significant and basic alteration, substitution of the name of a person by the name of another in relation to property in the record showing right or title to the property
- To render imperfect by cutting off or destroying a part.
mutual agreement
- a reciprocal agreement
Mutual Consent
- As agreed to by the people involved.