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List of Vocabulary

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  • A civil officer charged with the administration of the laws and having criminal jurisdiction of the first instance; a public officer invested with judicial powers in criminal jurisdiction
The magistrate issued a warning to strictly adhere to the court procedures during the hearings.
  • A civil officer charged with the administration of the laws and having criminal jurisdiction of the first instance; a public officer invested with judicial powers in criminal jurisdiction
The magistrate issued a warning to strictly adhere to the court procedures during the hearings.
  • Sustenance or support allowance.
The court ordered the husband to pay the maintenance to his wife.
  • Maintenance provided by the court during the pendency of the proceedings.
Either the husband or the wife can apply for maintenance pendente lite.
  • One who has attained the age of majority i.e. an age at which he becomes legally capable of conducting his own affairs.
An agreement in restraint of marriage with a major is void.
  • in bad faith
His attempt to mislead the committee with false evidence was a clear case of mala fide intentions.
  • Pertaining to malice (Malice - Intentional doing of a wrongful act).
The malicious intention of the party was proved.
  • arranging (assets or securities) in the order in which they are available to meet various kinds of claims
The principle of marshalling allows a court to ensure that multiple properties are used to satisfy a single debt in an equitable manner.
  • The time when a bill of exchange or promissory note becomes due.
The maturity of a promissory note or bill of exchange is the date at which it falls due.
  • Court may either regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved, or may call for proof of it.
The court may presume that certified copies of foreign judicial records are genuine.
  • Mediation is one of the effective and now well-known alternative dispute resolution methods, which helps the litigants to resolve their disputes voluntarily and amicably with the assistance of a third party known as 'Mediator'.
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method provided under Section 89 of the Civil Procedure Code.
  • the act of joining two or more companies together
A merger is the voluntary fusion of two companies on broadly equal terms into one new legal entity.
  • Mesne profits is fee that a person in unlawful possession of another’s property must pay to the owner of the property for such wrongful occupation
The object of awarding a decree for mesne profits is to compensate the person who has been kept out of possession and deprived of enjoyment of his property.
  • According to CrPC it means a city or town whose population exceeds one million.
Metropolitan area is provided by Section 8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
  • A person who has not attained majority.
A contract made with a minor is void.
  • A statement or conduct which conveys a false or wrong impression.
A contract where the consent is caused by misrepresentation is voidable.
  • Money bills are concerned with financial matters like taxation, public expenditure, etc. and is defined in Article 110 of the Indian Constitution.
The Speaker of the Lok Sabha certifies if a financial bill is a Money Bill or not.
  • The morally culpable quality held to be present in some criminal offences as distinguished from others.
Committing an offence involving moral turpitude is a ground for disqualification of the member of Juvenile Justice Board.
  • The transfer of an interest in immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money advanced by way of loan.
A mortgaged his ancestral property to B.
  • Property which can be removed or displaced.
The transfer of movable property is dealt by Sale of Goods Act.
  • The crime of killing a person under circumstances previously defined by statute.
The punishment for the offence of murder is provided by Section 302 of The Indian Penal Code, 1860.
  • a significant and basic alteration, substitution of the name of a person by the name of another in relation to property in the record showing right or title to the property
The court ordered the mutation of the property records to reflect the new ownership following the successful completion of the estate settlement.
  • To render imperfect by cutting off or destroying a part.
The body of the deceased was found in mutilated condition.
  • a reciprocal agreement
The parties reached a mutual agreement, thereby binding themselves to the terms outlined in the contract and waiving any claims arising from the prior disputes.
  • As agreed to by the people involved.
Divorce by mutual consent requires a cooling off period of at least 6 months before second motion under general circumstances.